
The Writing On The Wal » Pet Foods

You would think that since they let RVs park there indefinitely, they’d let Cowboy fans park at the Texas Stadium Walmart during home games. Maybe Michael Vick will go there next weekend for some dog food.

The website I Can Has Cheez Burger remains silent on it’s association with Walmart. Clearly there is a financial arrangement and that arrangement requires the owners to post the game a certain number of times in order to get their check. After a flood of negative comments on Walmart, the site closed further comments on […]

[Update -- 1725: ICHCB has closed the original thread as well. Still no email response.] I Can Has Cheez Burger has closed comments on it’s latest Walmart sponsored game after only 20 comments (seven of which mentioned Walmart) were posted. I have to wonder if this is a first for the site and what it […]

Yesterday I posted about Walmart’s ill conceived decision to sponsor a cute game that featured an Iams product placement on I Can Has Cheez Burger. While the response is not equal to the epic fail of Walmart’s Facebook page, the comments are getting close. Here’s what I think happened. Iams created a game as a […]

Every morning I visit I Canz Has Cheez Burger for a bit of pure silliness. Lately the site has expanded into videos and games, adding to the basic fun. This morning, however, I found a pet-food game shilling for Iams and sponsored by Walmart. I left a comment asking if the site was aware of […]

First, stop by the live fish tanks (if your local Walmart still sells live fish) and count the number of dead or obviously ill fish in the tanks. Second, check out the stories we’ve written about pet foods at Walmart. Then tell us, do you think this is a good idea? From ETF Innovators: At […]

While the gnomes and Wal-Mart’s share holders are doing Snoopy happy dances over the boost in profits from the rising misery of recession in America, but now Wal-Mart has chosen this moment to boost it’s sales of pet food because kids and pets are recession proof? It’s enough to make you eat cat food. From […]

In a normal buisness climate the survey results from University of Michigan’s American Customer Satisfaction Index would cause any retailer to start kicking butts and taking names, but Wal-Mart doesn’t care about satisfied customers. That’s because it’s used to operatining like a coal mining town’s company store. In a recession shoppers will tolerate a lot […]

Memo to Lee Scott: Appoint an Executive Vice President of Product Recalls who reports only to you and make this person an Attila The Hun of making sure that what you sell in your stores won’t poison, burn, sicken your customers or kill your customers’ pets. How long are you going to keep taking punches […]

Like all blogs The Writing On The Wal gets spam in it’s comments and its trackbacks. Most of it is tagged and bagged without a thought, but once in a while something creative actually shows up and I give a chuckle before sending it down the tube to spam hell. This morning a spammer tried […]

From WTVQ in Kentucky: Her youngest is Peety. Even though he’s just a kitten, this finicky feline already has a favorite food: Special Kitty’s Duck and Wild Rice. But when Peety suddenly started acting sick, she got worried. “He started drinking a lot of water and he quit eating his favorite food the duck,” [Melissa] […]

WKYC TV brings us another pet tragedy courtesy of Wal-Mart Stores Inc.: A Cuyahoga Falls woman says Wal-Mart should have pulled the Bestro Chicken Jerky Treats earlier than July 26th. She directly blames the treats for her Yorkie’s death. While the local animal hospital can not confirm the treats triggered the dog’s sudden kidney failure, […]

Robert Reich, former Secretary of Labor for President Bill Clinton, thinks the Chinese could benefit from a little-old fashion government regulation; that in their race to unleash th power of free-market Capitalism, they’ve forgotten their Maoist roots. China’s problem isn’t too much government intrusion into its economy; it’s too little — or at least too […]

Yipee for me! I get to link to Marion Nestle: According to Wal-Mart’s own statement, it heard reports about dogs getting sick from eating these products and took them off the shelves “proactively” on July 26. Translation: Wal-Mart did not issue a recall or warn customers who might still be feeding the products to their […]

From Itchmo: News for Dogs and Cats: A Montgomery, Alabama woman is saying that she recently bought recalled cat food from her local Wal-Mart. Sheri McComber’s cats are weak and lethargic. And she says her four cats have gotten sick after eating Special Kitty cat food, one of the cat foods that was previously recalled […]

