
Halo"s New Vegan Dog Food!

My oldest dog Datsun used to be vegan. Yep, he’s one of those “used to be’s.” But it’s not his fault. It’s mine. He was vegan until we took in an abused pit bull mix last year. With one more mouth to feed, I really couldn’t afford the $ 45 a bag for V-Dog anymore. Both dogs eat 4 cups a day, so that would mean twice as much money. Oh, and I have 6 cats to feed too. So reluctantly, I put them back on the non-vegan Whole Foods brand dog food.

But when Halo offered me a free sample of their new Vegan Garden Medley, I jumped at the chance. I knew the boys would love it! The first few ingredients in this dry food are green peas, chickpeas, pearled barley, oat groats, pea protein, and flaxseed. Plus, there’s plenty of veggies, like beets, potatoes, spinach, carrots and lettuce. It seems only natural that Halo would introduce a vegan dog food line since vegan Ellen DeGeneres is a co-owner.

When the box arrived at my office, my co-worked Hannah said, “Let’s try it!” And why not? It’s vegan, right? We each popped a morsel in our mouths. And, um, well, it’s dog food. It wasn’t bad, just not my choice of favorite snack. But my pups have different tastebuds, and it’s designed for them anyway. So what did they think? I’ll let them tell you in their own words. First, here’s Datsun:

“Hey everybody! My name is Datsun, and I love to eat! I didn’t used to be quite as interested in food, but now that I’m 10, I like to spend my days lounging on my special dog couch, awaiting my next meal. I like my usual food, but I also like to eat any cat food that falls in the floor when mom feeds the cats. Oh, and I like to stick my face in the cat food and eat while mom fills their bowls. Hell, I even like cat poop! But I’ve kicked that habit and would rather not talk about that.”

So what did I like about the new Halo Vegan Garden Medley dog food? The taste! I gobbled this stuff up even faster than I do my usual food. Plus, it’s loaded with antioxidants from fruit and vegetable sources.”

 And here’s what Maynard had to say:

 “Hey, hey hey!! Maynard here! I’m a rowdy, one-year-old pit bull mix, and I came from a broken home. But things are better around here. Before, I was tied to a tree outside in the heat and cold. But in my new home, mom lets me sleep on the recliner. And that’s awesome! But I really don’t sleep that much. I’d rather play and jump on people. It’s rude, but I’m hyper, I just can’t help myself.”

“I usually hate meal times. The cats chase me away from their food bowls, and sometimes, they use their claws on my nose. I’m especially terrified of Gelfling, the little black cat. He’s small, but he’s pure evil. Anyway, I usually stand around my bowl and watch everyone else eat first. And then I nibble a little. And then I try to sneak some cat food. And then I make a lap around the kitchen, and then I might nibble some more. Datsun finishes his food really fast and then, since I’m not always manning my bowl, he tries to steal mine. But mom always tells him no, and then I reluctantly finish my bowl so no one can steal it from me.”

“But when mom fed us Halo Vegan Garden Medley, I ate every bite as fast as I could. She fed us outside that day so she could take better pictures, so the cat food wasn’t a distraction. But I doubt I would have noticed anyway! I ate mine almost as fast as Datsun, and he’s a speed eater! It was delicious, and there’s no artificial colors, flavors, or preservatives. Plus, no corn, wheat, or gluten. I don’t even know what that means, but mom seems pretty happy about it.”

So there you go! The boys loved it! If I ever get a raise, switching to Halo Vegan Garden Medley is first on the list.

