
Which Discontinued Foods Do You Miss Most?

The food business is a merciless mistress, leaving countless brands dead at her feet, some before they ever had the chance to find a foothold in the market. But as long as there are those of us who remember these deceased foodstuffs, they will always live on… even if we can’t eat them.

Over at Confections of a Dangerous Mind, there’s a pretty good round-up of childhood food faves, from Choco’Lite to Fortune Bubble Gum to Marathon Bars, that have all passed on into the ether — some for the better.

But then it got me thinking about things like Tangy Taffy, Gatorade Gum, Yummy Mummy, Reggie Bars (even though I hate the Yankees) and Pudding Pops, all of which I — or at least my inner 11-year-old — greatly miss.

Wow… now I want a Zima. Oh wait, no I don’t.

Anyway, surely some of your favorite foods and brands have vanished from grocery store shelves over the years. Please join us in this walk down memory lane.

Choco’Lite, Marathon & Other Sweets That Are No More [Confections of a Dangerous Mind]

