
Buy Dog Food

Wellness dog food can help you and your friend spend more years together. Dogs are a part of our lives, and we want to do what’s best for them. That includes feeding them the highest-quality dog food we can find. Their camaraderie, their loyalty, their friendship is worth more to us than non-dog-owners will ever understand. 

The manufacturers of Wellness dog food feel that the foundation of your dog’s well-being begins with a thoughtful selection of feed types. They use real human-grade foods like fresh vegetables and fruits, wholesome grains and deboned meat with no steroids added, in order to provide your dog with minerals, vitamins, protein and antioxidants in the most healthy way. 

Each of the ingredients in this food was chosen for its ability to provide your dog with the nutrition he needs to live a longer, healthier, happier life. All of their feeds are free from animal fat, meat by-products, vegetables with an allergy history for dogs, and artificial preservatives, flavorings or colors. 

For nearly ten years, Wellness dog food has offered pet owners a great-tasting, healthful, natural alternative to the generic pet food that is not nearly as healthy for your dog. The company has helped many thousands of people and pets realize the difference that choosing their brand will make. 

The ingredients in this natural dog food include many types of food you might feed your own family. After all, your dog is a part of your family. Some of the helpful ingredients include chondroitin and glucosamine for joints, Omega 3 and Omega 6 acids for coat and skin health, fruits and vegetables that provide antioxidants, grains for energy and fiber and top quality sources of protein for strong muscles, bones and teeth. Every ingredient is helpful in providing balanced nutrition for your companion and friend.

Many people have become interested in eating organic foods in the past decade or so, fueled by the idea that their bodies would be better served by food grown without the abundance of chemicals we normally see used – so would our pups be better off by our feeding them organic dog food, as well?

We all want our dogs to be happy and healthy, but organic dog food is fairly expensive, so is it worth the extra cost? To answer that question, consider these benefits of organic food for your dog:

Reduction of allergies and skin conditions. If your special dog suffers from these ailments, you’ve probably used spot medications, creams, shampoos, sprays and dips. Even if you feed high-dollar but inorganic dog food, they can still have these problems. So why would organic dog food help?

Organic food doesn’t have any flavor enhancers or artificial colors, and it also is made without toxic pesticides and chemicals that could be the reason for your dog’s itching. Organic dog food also contains grain and protein sources, which can help support your dog’s immune system, to ward off all infections, including those skin irritations.

Perhaps you have trouble keeping your dog at the optimum weight for his size. That’s not always easy to do – you may have one plump dog and one lean dog, eating the same food. Overweight dogs have bone and joint issues just like obese people do.

The exceptional nutritive value of organic dog food can help you to overcome this as well. Since it has more nutrition in each portion, many owners have found that their dogs eat less of it, and thus their weight stabilizes. Similarly, thin dogs get more of the protein and nutrients they need to thrive.  And they probably enjoy the taste of organic food, too.

Try some organic dog food for your dog. It may be the answer to a lot of questions you’ve had about feeding your dog the best food you can.

When a veterinarian is quoted as saying that nutrition is causing disease issues in dogs, then you start to think that perhaps raw dog food has a place in your dog’s diet, after all. In a study done on animals in Stockholm, Sweden, some young animals were fed processed and cooked foods, and they appeared at first to remain healthy. But, as the animals grew and matured, their age showed more quickly, and they developed disease symptoms of body degeneration. Another group of animals raised on raw dog food aged more slowly and they had no degenerative disease.

If you watch animals in the wild, they do not suffer from degenerative diseases like domestic animals do. They do face dangers from other wild animals, but otherwise, they seem to live healthy, long lives.

Humans are globally in pretty poor shape, as a whole, and we seem to be sentencing our pets to the same types of diseases that plague us. A researcher a number of years ago divided cats into two groups, feeding one group raw meat and the other canned and processed pet foods. Through three generations, the cats fed raw meat thrived while the cats fed canned food developed the same types of degenerative diseases that humans suffer from. We are speaking about dogs here, and the evidence shows that raw dog food can very likely be more healthy for them than processed and canned foods.

Dogs are like people, in that they need the amino acids, nutrients and enzymes in raw meat, to stay healthy. Coat and skin problems can result from lack of raw animal fat in your dog’s diet. Your dog needs at least 30% raw fat in his diet, and his system wasn’t made to break down cooked fat or cooked meats. Dogs are not susceptible to parasites or bacteria in uncooked meat, which is a main concern of owners. They don’t get salmonella because they have more acid in their digestive tract than we do.

Select choice raw meats and raw vegetables for your dog, and watch him bloom with good health. Let you dog eat what’s natural for him to eat – raw dog food -  not what people think he should eat. He’ll be around for many years, and they will be happy and healthy years.

Many veterinarians see a need for a canine diet with low carbohydrate levels, and a grain free dog food may be what he prescribes for your dog. Just as humans on a low carb diet switch from pasta and bread, your dog will switch from carbs to vegetables and meats. But dry dog foods usually contain high carbohydrate levels and low levels of nutrients and vegetables.

Unless they have kidney issues, animals need protein. It’s a natural part of their diet, and their bodies digest it well. However, your dog’s system doesn’t handle gluten very well – and that’s a substance that is found in wheat products, like the grain products in typical dog foods.

To make sure your dog is getting a grain free dog food, read the fine print in the nutritional information on the bag or can. Carb-filled dog food is much easier to find, because it’s cheaper for the manufacturers to add carbs than to use beef, chicken or fish, which cost them more.

Don’t shop by price if your veterinarian has recommended a grain free dog food. The lower the price, the higher the amount of things your dog does not need, and the lower amount of things he does. If you have to pay a couple extra dollars when you buy your dog’s food, consider that an investment in his health. Skip Starbuck’s for one day and that will pay for the price difference.

Just as we need to eat healthy foods, our dogs will be healthier if they do the same. That means fewer trips to the veterinarian, except for routine visits for vaccinations and heartworm checks and the like. If you feed your dog a well-formulated grain free dog food, it may cost less overall, and your dog may be more comfortable, and happier, too. It’s hard to put a price tag on that, isn’t it?

There is a lot of dog food available on the market. From cheap supermarket brands to premium dog food everything is available. This range varies in price and quality. The important thing is to find a decent quality for an affordable price. Some supermarkets offer cheap dog food, but this sometimes is a lower quality.

When choosing dog food you have to consider the long term implications of high quality food. If the dog gets premium dog food, he eats less and get the same or even more nutrients. This way the quality food gets cheaper in price. Dog food experts say, that a lot of dog deseases come from improper feeding. Using high quality dog food you can also reduce the vet visits for your dog in long term.

There are products from major dog food brands available , some of them are Canidae, AvoDerm or Solid Gold. The offer premium dog food with an adequate price. Check out their products which fits the best for your dog.

Dogs can, like humans, get diabetes. To keep this under control, the best thing is to feed proper diabetic food to your dog. Diabetic dog food is low in carbohydrates and sugar. The main aim of this special dog diet is to keep the sugar low, but also to control the amount of food the dog gets. The general advice is to feed the dog more often but in smaller meals. This way the blood sugar can better be stabilized. Single big meals lead to an insulin spike, which drops after the digestion for several hours. This can result in hypoglycemia.

A lot of the dog owners don’t know about the sugar and carbohydrates contained in the commercial dog food. Both dry and soft-moise dog food are considered unsuitable when it comes to diabetic dog food. If you have to feed commercial food, try to get a high quality and check the ingredients.

The best thing to do for a diabetic dog is to feed homemade diabetic dog food. This way you can control the amounts of sugar and carbohydrates you feed to the dog. Consider also to keep the fats low, for a diabetic dog it is very hard do break down large amounts of fat. Use white meat if possible, cut out the fat, and avoid Ground beef.

Keep the amount of grain low, which you feed to your dog, because animals cannot digest grains as good as humans. You can try to feed brown rice, millets and oats, as well as corn and wheat, but some dogs can be allergic against these last 2 ingredients. Add fresh vegetables and raw fruits to your diabetic doog fod. These contain a high amount of vitamins an nutrients. Consult your vet if you have special questions about the change of your diabetic dog diet.

