
The Most Charitable Dog Food Companies

What dog food companies are the most charitable?

What dog food companies are the most charitable?

When picking the perfect food for your dog, there are a lot of things to take into consideration.  But most loving owners will tell you another thing they look for when purchasing dog food, outside of ingredients and reputation, are what dog food companies are most charitable? What dog food companies not only love making the healthiest dog food, but obviously adore dogs as well, and do all they can to help make the lives of dogs easier by using their brand name to help further dog causes. We at dogPACER obviously do all we can to ensure you dogs stay fit, and these other companies put the extra effort in to show that they aren’t just dog food companies, they are dog lovers, which makes supporting their brands that much easier.


While most aren’t familiar with the Freehand, we’re hoping more people do because this company gives a sizable amount to dog causes for every bag they sell. Born out of love for dogs and a true altruistic nature, Freehand is about as progressive as dog food companies come, and the only reason they are not more well known is because the locations they are available are limited to Southern California, Texas, and Indianapolis. Expect that to change as more and more people become familiar with this amazing brand.

Blue Buffalo

You can tell just how much Blue Buffalo love dogs for just how much love and attention they put into their dog food. The company was named after the founder’s dog, Blue, died of cancer, and they decided to make food with no artificial ingredients or chemicals or dyes, ensuring safety and longevity for your dogs, which as you know, is something we wholly support and encourage. While Blue Buffalo doesn’t directly donate to a cause, their holistic dog food IS a cause, and one we should all get behind.

Pet Smart

Though known more as a pet store than a chain, they are included on the list because they indeed have their own brand of dog food. Also, in 1994 Pet Smart started PetSmart Charities with the intention of giving back to dogs and rather, all animals that people keep as pets. While we are pro-dog, we love all living things, and seeing a high profile company such as Pet Smart not only providing a service that benefits our dogs, but provides income and helps study them as well, is just up our alley. We live for dogs!


The name might be the most well-known dog food brand on the list, but there is good reason for that. Purina are always pushing some sort of charity and service for dogs, whether it is helping with dog adoptions, or helping dog’s with disabilities, Purina is an amazing brand for just how much love they openly show towards our canine friends. Remember, if you love your dog, support one of these great brands that already supports the love you have for your dog.

