
Foods That Dogs and Cats Should Not Eat, Foods That Require Caution - Dangerous, Toxic, Lethal

Before you read this list understand that some of the foods listed below:

  • Are, without exception seriously bad for your dog and cat;

  • Are only bad for your dog and cat if provided in quantities that exceed safe dosage as noted;

  • Are only bad for your dog and cat under specific conditions as noted.

In addition it is important to understand that even a food that is normally safe for your dog or cat can become dangerous if:

  • The food has come into contact with a poisonous substance (i.e. chemical-based cleaners that you have used on food prep surfaces);

  • If the food has not been stored safely (i.e. raw food has been left un-refrigerated) and has become contaminated with harmful bacteria;

  • If the food has started to rot;

  • If the food is from a source (i.e. meat) which was from an animal that was feed growth hormones, ABX, and yes, genetically modified foods;

  • If the food was grown with high levels of pesticides and herbicides

  • etc.

And just a warning – for those feeding your dogs a raw-food diet…read all of the text provided below under raw food/meat/bones, not just some of the textand then take what I say out of context…

  • Raw, species appropriate food (i.e. fresh meat, fresh bones) when:

    • From a truly good source:

    • When stored properly;

    • When prepared properly:

    • When selected properly;

    • Is not bad for your dog – it is a species appropriate diet. 

  • However if the origin of the raw food, its preparation. etc. is not safe then the end product (the raw food( is not safe either. 

    • If the source of the raw meat is a large factory farm, or a smaller farm that is not organic in its practices…

      • The animal (chicken, cow, lamb, etc.) may have been on a diet that included:

        • GMO corn, GMO soy;

        • Antiobiotics;

        • Growth Hormones;

        • All of the above are toxins, some are carcinogens.     

  • And that in anutshell is why raw meat is on this list. 

    • Not becasue it is, by nature bad for your dog – in fact quite the opposite…but instead;

    • Becasue if YOU do not employ common sense it can become BAD for your dog. 

And BTW, even if you do feed your dog raw, you will still need to supplement you dog’s diet for optimal health…for example:

  • AdditionalOmega-3 Fatty Acids;

  • And other items like Probiotics.

  • And dont assume just because you are paying alot of $ for a pre-prepared raw food that it is nutritionally complete. I have looked at many, and the claim (by the companies) that they are complete is not an accurate statement. The Omega fatty acids are never present in the correct ratio and that creates some serious issues! Buyer beware - nutritionally complete is not a government regulated term. If anything ‘nutritionally complete’ may be used as an AAFCO regulated term. AAFCO is an association of pet food manufacturers, lobbyist, etc. whose first priority is profit always.

What you supplement should  dependon the what conditions your dog or cat is exposed to. So for example if you are:

There are multiple foods on this list that I do feed my dogs, i.e.

  • Dairy Products – Cheese (i.e. cheddar), Cottage Cheese, Yogurt and/or Kefir

  • Garlic;

  • Eggs;

  • Fish;

  • Broccoli 

  • But I feed my dogs these foods the right way and in beneficial quantities to the advantage of their health.

So make sure you do not just read part of the text under the items listed below – read all of the text or you will not be properly informed.Which can then:

  • Put your dog’s and cat’s health at risk, or;

  • Leave you with the impulse to leave a stupid out-of-context comment on my blog, which only makes you look ridiculous, ill-read and uninformed. In which case I will help you save-face by promising not to publish your stupid comment. 

  • All logical, non-aggressive, non-rude and/or informative comments and questions will be published :>)

I am also including commercially manufactured dog and cat kibble and treats on this list becasue:

  • I want to walk you through the ingredients that you should avoid, 

  • So that you can be in a position to choose a (relatively speaking) good dog kibble.

Foods to AVOID and/or Use Within Safe Guidelines


Flesh of the avocado fruit is OK for dogs in small amounts. Avocados contain persin – a fungicidal toxin. When a dog is fed large amounts of the fruit vomiting and diarreha can result from overdose of persin. The leaves, pit (seed), and bark also contain persin and should not be ingested by dogs.

Alcoholic Beverages
Any type of alcohol can be poisonous to your dog and cat and aside from intoxication, can cause a coma or even death.

Employ caution when giving bones to your dog.

  • Some bones can be very dangerous – as they can splinter and cause obstruction or laceration of the digestive system.

  • Bones from many types of fish are dangerous for dogs just as they are for people. 

  • The cooked bones of salmon are not harmful, in fact they are good for your dog.

When on a raw diet, bones are very important as they provide an excellent and necessary source of:

  • Calcium;

  • Phosphorous and;

  • Trace minerals. 

A safe substitute for raw, fresh or frozen bones is high-quality healthful source bone meal or or microcrystalline hydoxyapatite - MCHA (freeze dried bone).

  • Do not ever use the type of bone meal sold in garden centers – garden center bone meal is poor quality from unspecified sources and can be full of toxins and carcinogens;

Edible, safe bones for dogs are:

  • Non-weight bearing, hollow, raw bones of birds:

    • Chicken wings;

    • Turkey necks;

    • These bones are soft, bendable (as opposed to brittle) and there fore can be chewed without fear of damaging teeth or creating bone splinters that can cause damage to the dogs innards.

Bones Just for Gnawing On – not for Consumption

  • Large, fresh raw or frozen-raw bones such as beef or bison femur of hip bones are good for a dog to chew on to exercise their jaw;

  • Good for dental care - If the bone has some meat and cartilage attached the dog will get his/her teeth ‘brushed’ naturally be gnawing on the bone; 

    • However these are hard bones that can splinter;

    • These type of bones should not be given to a dog that chews with great intensity:

      • The pressure can result in chipped and broken teeth;

      • The bone may splinter and chip into fragments that can cause severe internal damage to a dog;

  • If your dog has a very sensitive stomach the marrow in these large raw bones can cause diarrhea. 

    • You can remove the marrow and just give the bone to the dog;

    • You can remove most of the marrow only leaving a little in the bone, until the dogs digestive system acclimatizes to digesting the fat and nutrient rich marrow.

Baking Powder, Baking Soda, Dry Yeast, and other leavening agents
If ingested in large
amounts – and please remember large amounts must be considered in relation to your dog’s or cat’s size – can cause problems with electrolyte levels (low calcium, low potassium, high sodium), muscle spasms and/or congestive heart failure. Also avoid giving your dog large amounts (again size is relative) of raw dough that contains leavening agents. Remember heat is a catalyst for the leavening agent – raw dough can swell in your dogs stomach and cause serious if not lethal damage.
Candy containing the sweetener Xylitol
Xylitol can cause liver damage and even death.

Corn  and Soy – in particular non-organic genetically engineered
Corn, soy, grains in large quantities as found in many commercially made dog and cat food are not part of a species appropriate diet – this poses health hazards of itself. Most dog and cat foods that do contain corn, corn derivatives, soy and soy derivatives (at least in North America) are made from Genetically Engineered (GE), Round-up Ready Seeds. These GE seeds in addition to the glyphosate herbicides that the seeds are designed to tolerate have serious and multiple health and life-span shortening impacts. You can read about that in detail here.

Dogs and cats should never have any type of chocolate. Milk chocolate is not as dangerous for dogs as semi-sweet or unsweetened bakers chocolate.  Chocolate poisoning can cause irregular heart rate and rhythm, restlessness, hyperactivity, diarrhea, vomiting, panting, muscle tremors, abdominal pain, bloody urine, increased body temperature, seizures, coma and death.

Can result in increased breathing and heart rate, restlessness and affects the central nervous system.

Dairy Products – in large amounts, small amounts are OK for most dogs and cats
If consumed in large amounts may cause diarrhea. Some dogs and cats are lactose intolerant. If your dog or cat is not lactose intolerant, plain yogurt or kefir is
an excellent immune system booster. A little hard cheese or cottage cheese on a daily basis is a good source of nutrition. As noted above my dogs and cats eat yogurt, hard cheese and cottage cheese on a daily basis.

Dog and Cat Dry Food (Kibble), Wet Food and Treats   
Dog and cat kibble and commercially manufactured treats can contain an overwhelming amount of:

  • Carcinogens;

  • Toxins;

  • Species inappropriate ingredients which can of itself rob your dog of his/her health and shorten his/her life.

I have to be honest with you:
I have to-date not found a nutritionally complete dog kibble;
Even the most expensive brands of dog kibble includes some ingredients that cut corners to save the manufactuer money while  posing health risks for your dog, for example;

  • Using whole white fish which may be high in mercury, rather than using salmon. 

    • And BTW if you live in the USA genetically modified (GM) salmon has just been approved for use – not good!

  • Using a cheap source Omega 6 oil (i.e.) sunflower oil rather than a good quality oil such as coconut oil. 

    • Even worse when for example safflower or canola oil is used as these are both derived from GM crops.

Read the following articles in order to ensure that you are well informed the next time you go to purchase dog or cat food and treats. And even if you feed your dog the best dog kibble available you are going to need to supplement your dog’s and cat’s diet in order to ensure optimal health.

Eggs -  raw can be a hazard, cooked in small amounts are beneficial   
Contain an enzyme called avidin, which decreases the absorption of biotin (a B vitamin). This can lead to skin and hair coat problems. Raw eggs may also contain Salmonella, although the chance of contamination for your dog is low as a dog’s stomach acids are very strong and dog’s also produce a lot of bile. You can cook the eggs to avoid this issue. Due to the avidin it is best not to give eggs every day, but a couple of times a week is fine.

Fat – in large amounts, small amounts of good fat are absolutely necessary in a dog’s diet!
However large amounts (relative to the dog’s and cat’s weight, health and genetically inherited constitution) can casue very serious and, at worst fatal damage. Large amounts of fat such as butter, margarine, lard, fat trimmings and oil are a health hazard. Ingesting any substantial amount of these fats can cause failure of the internal organs such as the liver.
On a daily basis my dog get healthy fats from:

A dogs ancestral diet – and therefore a species appropriate diet consists of +/- 57 to 60% protein, 30% fat and 10 to 14% carbohydrates. 

Many commercially made dog food products (kibble and treats) contain poor quality fats. Most commercial dog kibble (and commercially made raw food preparations) do not provide a safely balanced ratio of Omega-3 fatty acids to Omega-6 fatty acids. For this reason it is important to supplement your dog’s diet.

Fish – in large quantities are dangerous, small quantities are beneficial fr dogs
If fed exclusively or in large amounts can result in a thiamine (a B vitamin) deficiency leading to loss of appetite, seizures, and in severe cases, death. A small amount of cooked or canned  fatty fish such as
anchovies, salmon, sardines, shad, smelt, mackerel are very good for your dog (on a daily basis is fine – in small amounts) as these types of fish are nutrient rich and a good source of omega fatty acids. 

Fish – Raw, can be dangerous, use caution

Raw fish can contain flukes, a parasite that infests the liver of animals including dogs and cats. This parasite can cause liver damage and subsequently death. Granted in some places around the world  dogs and cats are fed raw fish. Just be aware that in doing so you may put the health of your dog or cat at risk. If you know for certain that the fish in your area is not infested than there is no threat to your dog’s or cat’s health. But remember if fish is fed to dogs exclusively or in large amounts can result in a thiamine (a B vitamin) deficiency leading to loss of appetite, seizures, and in severe cases, death. A small amount daily is fine. 

Fish Meal

Check the ingredient list on your dog’s and cat’s kibble and treats – if they contain fish meal you need to check with the manufacturer to ensure that they guarantee there is no ethoxyquin in the fish meal.  You have to research this as the ingredient list will not list ethoxyquin on the ingredient list – it is a hidden ingredient. Ethoxyquin is a powerful and lethal pesticide that is also used to stop fat from going rancid. Ethoxyquin is a carcinogen. Ethoxyquin is now banned from use in human food. You can read about ethoxyquin here. Acana and Evo are examples of dog kibble which is supposed to be ethoxyquin-free as stated by the manufactures on their respective websites. 

Food Coloring

Avoid treats and kibble that contain conventional food coloring. Conventional food coloring is concocted from chemicals that are carcinogenic and cause numerous health issues such as bladder cancer, brain tumors and the inability to concentrate.

Grapes, Currents
Can cause vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, abdominal pain, lack of appetite and kidney damage. Grape seed extract is safe  for dogs.

May cause panting, elevated temperature, increased heart rate, seizures and death.

Liver – small amounts are beneficial, large amounts are dangerous
In large amounts can cause Vitamen A toxity, leading to kidney damage/failure.

Macadamia Nuts
Can cause vomiting, lethargy, hyperthermia, abdominal pain, stiff joints, lameness and tremors.

Can depress the nervous system, cause vomiting, and changes in the heart rate.

Meat – Raw can be dangerous, use caution
May contain bacteria such as Salmonella and E. coli, which can cause vomiting, diarrhea and even death. Dogs are able to fight off Salmonella and E. coli much better than humans can, however some dogs are severely affected and do die. Raw pork can have worms that may be transferred to your dog by eating raw pork. Many people do feed their dogs raw meat and experience no issues. Working dogs such as sled dogs regularly consume raw meat without issue. Just take precautions – make sure the meat is fresh and has been kept in the refrigerator for no more than a few says or was frozen fresh. Reduce the risk of contamination and don’t feed your dog raw pork.

Moldy Foods
Can have varied effects on pets including vomiting and diarrhea.


Depending on the type of mushroom. The symptoms may vary – depression, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting, abdominal pain, tearing, hallucinations, defecation, liver failure, seizures, drooling, urination, kidney failure, heart damage, hyperactivity and in some cases, death.

Mustard Seeds
Can have varied effects on pets.

Onion, Chives, Leeks, Shallots are dangerous, garlic in small amounts is beneficial
Contain thiosulphate, the substance responsible for causing ‘Heinx Factor’ anemia in dogs and cats. Can also cause gastrointestinal problems such as vomiting and diarrhea. The amount of thiosulphate found in garlic is much lower than in onions, in fact the amount in garlic is barely traceable!  When garlic is ingested in reasonable amounts there are no harmful affects, only beneficial ones! Garlic is known for its antic cancer, diabetes, liver, heart, kidney disease fighting properties as well as its use as a natural flea repellent and de-wormer for dogs. Cats are more sensitive to the active ingredients in garlic. Cats should never have more than 2 or 3 thin slices of a garlic clove a week. The maximum  allowable/safe dosage for dogs is higher than the dosage for cats.

Pits from Apricot / Cherry / Peach / Plum, etc.
Can cause respiratory difficulties such as breathing, coughing and sneezing.

Plants that are toxic if ingested by dogs
Toxic and Non-Toxic Plants (ASPCA)

Potato Leaves and Stems
Can cause problems with the digestive, nervous and urinary systems.

Raisins and Currents 

Can be poisonous to pets and can cause vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, abdominal pain, lack of appetite and kidney damage.

Rhubarb Leaves
Can cause problems with the digestive, nervous and urinary systems.

In large quantities can cause electrolyte imbalances.

Seeds from Apples / Pears
Contain arsenic and can have a variety of bad affects on dogs.


If a product is really wholesome why does it require sweeteners to be appealing to your dog or cat? Sweeteners are not required in your dog’s or cat’s diet! In fact they are not good for your dog or cat. They are added to many pet foods to make the food more attractive – think about it, some of these products have a lot of fillers – no taste…so the sweeteners give the food some taste. If the product you are going to buy has any of the following ingredients in it, you know what to do – re-shelve it!

  • Cane molasses;

  • Corn syrup;

  • Fructose;

  • Sorbitol;

  • Sugar;

  • Di-alpha tocopherol acetate.

Remember daily intake of sweeteners is just as bad for dogs as it is for humans. Sugar suppresses the immune system – making it easier for cancer to take hold. Sweeteners also cause allergies, arthritis, cataracts, hypoglycaemia, heart ailments, nervous energy, tooth decay, obesity and so on. The more your dog’s health is compromised the harder it is for your dog’s body to fight disease!

Unlike the negative impacts on health caused by other sweeteners, organic unpasteurized honey does offers many health benefits. Organic unpasteurized honey (bee pollen and propolis) when provided in the proper dosage offers many health benefits for dogs. You can read this article for an example of the benefits derived from including organic unpasteurized honey in your dog’s diet, dosage and cautions.

Tea Derived from Tea Plants (i.e. Earl Grey Tea, Orange Pekoe Tea, etc.)

Can have varied effects in pets - the caffeine and tannin are the culprits as these substances are toxic to dogs and cats. On the other hand, herbal teas such as Green Tea, Rooibos Tea, Camomile Tea:
Do not contain caffeine or tannin, and;
Offer many health benefits for dogs and cats.

Contains nicotine, which affects the digestive and nervous systems. Can result in rapid heart beat, collapse, coma, and death.

Tomato Leaves and Stems are dangerous, tomatoes are fine
Can cause problems with the digestive, nervous and urinary systems.

Vitamins made for human consumption that contain iron
Can damage the lining of the digestive system and be toxic to the other organs including the liver and kidneys.

Can cause gastrointestinal problems such as vomiting and diarrhea, as well as respiratory issues such as sneezing, breathing and coughing.

Yeast Dough – raw, not baked
Can be dangerous as it will expand and result in gas, pain and possible rupture of the stomach or intestines.


Xylitol is a sugar alcohol — an artificial sweetener created from birch, raspberries, plums and corn.1 This sweetener is found in many human “sugar free” products, such as gum, candies and other sweets. Signs of toxicity can be seen as quickly as 30 minutes after xylitol ingestion in dogs. The xylitol causes a rapid release of the hormone insulin, causing a sudden decrease in blood glucose. The following are symptoms of Xylitol poisioning: vomiting
weakness, ataxia (uncoordinated movements), depression, hypokalemia (decreased potassium), seizures, coma, liver dysfunction and/or failure. Ingestion can be fatal.

If You Think Your Dog Is Suffering From Poisoning (food, chemicals, insect/snake bites)

The following provides a list of some of the interventions that they may ask you to do, they may also request that you bring your dog in ASAP.

To induce vomiting, give your pet 3% Hydrogen Peroxide (1 tablespoon per 15 pounds of the dog’s body weight) with an eye dropper, syringe, or turkey baster by dribbling the liquid onto the back of his tongue or into his cheek pocket until swallowed. Collect any vomit and take it, along with the poison container or other substance that you think you dog may have ingested and take it to the veterinarian

To dilute caustic poisons such as pine oils, detergents, bleaches, and swimming pool chemicals, feed your dog large quantities of water, milk, or egg whites. Activated charcoal (or even burned toast) may be recommended to absorb insect repellents like DEET.

To remove absorbed poisons…absorbed poisons are substances that get on your pet’s paws and coat and are absorbed through the skin. Road salt is one of the most common of such substances and can cause serious and lethal damage over time. Remember your dog walks, on lies on and licks the floor – don’t use chemical based cleaners to clean floors, other horizontal or vertical surfaces that your dog comes into contact with. Absorbed poisoning can happen through ingestion when the animal grooms himself. For oil-based toxins (petroleum products) use a gentle dish washing liquid like ‘Dawn’. Dust or vacuum powdery poisons away because water can activate certain toxins. If the poison is in your dog’s eye, carefully flush the eye with water or a sterile saline solution. To remove toxins from a dog’s paws you can use the following Foot Soak Recipe…

Warm Water and Iodine – Foot Soak Recipe, To Remove Toxins

Iodine is non-toxic for dogs (but should not be ingested, just used topically) and is anti-fugal and anti-viral. To remove toxins (road salt, herbicides, fertilizers or pesticides) from the surface of your dog’s paws – this soak can also be used to reduce itchy, inflamed, and other wise irritated paws…

  • Fill the container you are using with warm water;

  • Add enough iodine to make the water turn the colour of ice tea;

  • Have your dog stand in or otherwise keep their paw in the the water/iodine solution for 30 seconds

  • Then pat your dog’s paws dry.

‘Inhaled poisons’ include aerosol sprays, carbon monoxide, gases, and other fumes inhaled by your pet that you may not consider poison to dogs because you use them safely on a regular basis. Quickly get your dog into fresh air and administer Rescue Breathing if necessary.

For snakebites, carry your dog if at all possible, to prevent increased circulation of venom throughout his body via walking. Get him to an animal emergency centre ASAP.

For insect bites, administer 1 mg of Diphenhydramine (i.e. Benadryl), an antihistamine, per pound of your dog’s body weight—but do check with your veterinarian first. Applying a cold pack to the bite can alleviate swelling, but immediately seek professional medical help if you detect breathing problems. You can also wipe or spray the bite with Apple Cider Vinegar.

If you think your dog is suffering from symptoms related to poisoning from any of these foods, plants or chemicals call your veterinarian or contact a pet poison control centre right away.

Pet Poison Help Line 24/7 (800-213-6680)


Related Articles

For related and additional articles on dog and cat, care, health, training, nutrition and animal advocacy go to thispage.

Feel free to leave a comment below – if your comment is polite, informative etc. I will publish it. If your comment is a quick question, I will answer it if time permits…

If you require additional assistancewith your dogs you can engage me to…

1.0) Do an in-person session(see details below)

2.0)  Do a phone/email consultation (see details below)

1.0) In-Person Sessions are available to you if you live in the region of Ottawa-Gatineau, the Ottawa Valley and Region.

(i.e. Ottawa, Hull, Alymer, Orleans, Bells Corners, Manotick, Vars, Kanata, Stittsville, Smith Falls, Fitzroy, Carp, Arnprior, Renfrew, etc.) 

  and surrounding areas 

(i.e. Brockville, Smith Falls, Perth, Kingston, L’Original, Val-des-Monte, St-Pierre-de-Wakefield, etc.)

or if you will be visiting the area from out-of-town.

Methods of Payment (for In-Person Sessions):

Cash, Email Money Transfer and Credit Card via PayPal

2.0) If you reside elsewhere you can engage my world wide consultation service, details of which are provided just below…

My Hourly Fee

$ 100.00/hour in Canadian funds.

Purchasing Consultation Time:

Client’s often start out by purchasing an hour of my time and then augment that if required to suit the situation;

Or you can – if your situation requires it, purchase whatever block of time you want (i.e. multiple hours).

Methods of Payment:

Email Money Transfer and Credit Card via PayPal

1.0 Email Money Transfer:

1 hour = $ 100.00 in Canadian Funds;

For payment via email money transfer I provide you with a password (security information).

2.0 Credit Card via PayPal

1 hour = $ 100.00 + $ 5.00 PayPal Transaction fee = $ 105.00 Canadian Funds;

For payment via PayPal I send you a PayPal invoice to enable payment.

Method of Consultation – Canada, USA and Abroad (i.e. UK, Asia, etc.)

If You Are Located In:

1.0 Canada:

I can work with you via:

Phone with follow-up by email, or;

Via email only;

The choice is yours;

If you want to work via phone you provide me with your phone number and I will call you at the mutually agreed upon Consultation time.

2.0 USA:

I can work with you via:

Phone with follow-up by email, or;

Via email only;

The choice is yours;

If you want to work via phone:

You call me at the following number 613-622-7958, at the mutually agreed upon consultation time.

3.0 ALL OTHER GLOBAL LOCATIONS (i.e. UK. Asia, etc.):

I can work with you via:

Via email only, or;

Phone with follow-up by email…

The choice is yours;

If you want to work via phone:

You call me at the following number 613-622-7958, at the mutually agreed upon consultation time.

To Set-up a Consultation

Step 1 – Identify how you would prefer to pay for the consultation;

  Payment options as noted above are:

o    email money transfer, or;

o    Credit card via Paypal.

Step 2 – Identification of a consultation time that works for both our schedules;

Step 3 – You then pay the fee for the amount of consultation time you want to purchase;

Step 4 – Consultation takes place on the agreed upon time.

Contact me at

Office 613-622-7958
Cell 613-293-3707

Ottawa Valley Dog Whisperer Services


Behaviour Modification;




Whether you are experiencing dog behavior problems and would like assistance, or just want to bring your dog up to be a well-balanced canine -  I offer both a local and international service for people with one or multiple dogs. 

I work with all breeds – from small (i.e. Yorkie, Pomeranian, Chihuahua, etc.), medium breeds size (including Pit Bulls) and large breed dogs…

International e-Consultation 

Contact me at

Office 613-622-7958
Cell 613-293-3707

