
Dog Food

English: Golden retriever fetching a tennis ba...

English: Golden retriever fetching a tennis ball from the ocean. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

German Shepherd Dog

German Shepherd Dog (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Sometimes Heera would disappear for days even after telling Kaali to prepare a meal for him. On those days she was left with a big box full of rotis. She did not know what to do with them. She did not cook any fresh food for days and kept eating the old rotis and dal. She was very scared. It was her bad luck that many rude and angry people came to her roadside stall for tea and made hurtful remarks about her. Some left without paying. She offered roti and dal to some but they took offence and said, ‘we are not beggars.’

One day she was sitting alone and despondent when she saw a large thing shuffling through the bushes behind her. She was very scared. She thought maybe it is a wolf or a hyena. Suspenseful minutes later out came a big dog wagging its bushy tail. It was a very friendly dog and Kaali gave the poor hungry dog many rotis. From that day onwards Kaali had a friend. Now she did not feel scared. The dog was a strange mixture of brown and gold. Sometimes it looked like an Alsatian and sometimes it looked like a golden retriever. Of course Kaali did not know all this. She just loved the dog and named him Boora because in the local language a shade of brown was called Boora.

